Country Chronicles: The Timeless Allure of Willie Nelson and The Boys’ “Mind Your Own Business”

Willie Nelson and The Boys – Mind Your Own Business: A Timeless Musical Journey

Willie Nelson, a name synonymous with country music greatness, alongside The Boys, delivered the timeless hit “Mind Your Own Business.” This foot-tapping, head-nodding anthem has charmed audiences since its release, showcasing Nelson’s signature twang and lyrical brilliance.

Song: “Mind Your Own Business” was written by Hank Williams, an acclaimed American singer-songwriter and musician.

Release Year: The song was originally recorded and released in 1949 by Hank Williams. Willie Nelson and The Boys later covered it, giving it a fresh spin.



 “Mind Your Own Business”

If the wife and I are fussin’, brother that’s our right
‘Cause me and that sweet woman’s got a license to fight
Why don’t you mind your own business
(Mind your own business)
‘Cause if you mind your business, then you won’t be mindin’ mine

Oh, the woman on our party line’s the nosiest thing
She picks up her receiver when she knows it’s my ring
Why don’t you mind your own business
(Mind your own business)
Well, if you mind your business, then you won’t be mindin’ mine

I got a little gal that wears her hair up high
The boys all whistle when she walks by
Why don’t you mind your own business
(Mind your own business)
Well, if you mind your own business, you sure won’t be minding mine

If I want to honky tonk around ’til two or three
Now, brother that’s my headache, don’t you worry ’bout me
Just mind your own business
(Mind your own business)
If you mind your business, then you won’t be mindin’ mine

Mindin’ other people’s business seems to be high-toned
I got all that I can do just to mind my own
Why don’t you mind your own business
(Mind your own business)
If you mind your own business, you’ll stay busy all the time

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